Saturday 9 December 2017

Carol Read : The secret of working with children

Watch a recording of Carol Read's talk at the British Council in Warsaw. Her talk covered a range of primary issues and she gave a number of invaluable tips about teaching primary students.
Watch HERE

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Reading Tests. Level - elementary

Get to know more about the British monarchy and check reading skills. Use authentic materials from Solutions.

A Royal Couple

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Training: Internet Security

Level: B1 (Form 10)
To increase student knowledge of Internet safety.
To aid the student in identifying dangers on the Internet.
To build critical-thinking and decision-making skills relating to computer usage.
To help students protect themselves from inappropriate behavior online. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

Flashcards in the Classroom: Ten Lesson Ideas

Learn how to make your lessons brighter using suggested ideas from the article
Download free ESLflashcards from
If you want to know everything about flashcards, go to

Another useful resource from YouTube channel. Excellent ideas for using flashcards with young learners

Thursday 17 August 2017

Engagement principles and practice in classroom learning, language and technology by Joy Egbert

A still-common issue with technology use in language learning is an overly-strong focus on the digital tools and a relatively weak emphasis on actual learning. This technocentric approach may arise, in part, from a lack of clear theoretical grounding for classroom technology use. While it's unclear whether atheoretical uses of technology actually provide barriers to learning, it is clear from the research that principled uses can lead to student achievement. But which principles should language educators use to guide their planning? This plenary proposes that principles of task engagement, as part of an educator's overall understanding of second language learning, can serve both educators and learners well in technologyenhanced environments. Task engagement -- which includes principles of authenticity, connection, interaction, feedback and challenge/skills balance -- supports current popular trends such as flipping instruction and the use of serious education games that underscore the need for students to find their studies engaging.
This plenary from IATEFL 2015
  provides an overview of task engagement and examples of why and how language educators might engage their learners with technology.