Wednesday 14 October 2015


 Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "critical thinking"
What is critical thinking?
When you use critical thinking, you examine your own thinking and thinking of others to see if it makes sense. You use critical thinking skills when you analyze a problem or situation, use cause-and-effect reasoning, compare and contrast things, and summarize.
Pointers: applying critical thinking
To apply critical thinking to an issue or problem, you should do the following:
1. Describe the real issue or problem. Before you can try to solve a problem, you must be able to describe it.
2. Raise important issues that relate to the problem.
3. Recognize your own biases and those of others. The critical thinker tries to put aside his/her own likes or dislikes and look at an issue objectively. As a critical thinker, you should also look for signs of bias when considering others’ opinions.
4. Avoid assumptions. Use evidence to draw conclusions.
5. Be open to new ideas and other points of view. Listen with an open mind to others’ opinions. Try not to feel threatened or attacked simply because another person has a different point of view.
6. Evaluate new information. Carefully consider information and its sources before you accept it as true. Realize that sometimes you mind gets new information that will cause you to think differently than before or to draw new conclusions.
7. Consider implications and possibilities.
8. Support opinions with evidence. Others are more likely to accept your opinions if you support them with evidence or examples. Be prepared to explain your conclusions with logical reasons.

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